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GROOTsten in KLEINkunst

Friday 17 January 2025, 20:00 – 22:00 uur

Ramses Shaffy, Robert Long, Stef Bos, Toon Hermans and other great heroes of cabaret on one stage. Where small can be great. Small songs and stories that provide the most beautiful emotions. From a laugh to a tear and from amazement to recognition. To make something great out of something so beautifully small, then you are a true artist.

A cabaret artist! Singer/guitarist Dick Raat brings an ode to some of the Greatest in Cabaret and sings their beautiful songs and tells funny anecdotes, true stories or just a nice memory. Songs by Ramses Shaffy, Robert Long, Stef Bos, Claudia de Breij, Toon Hermans, Acda en de Munnik and other great cabaret heroes together form a wonderfully grand program.