Kermis Hoorn
- van 9 August 2025 t/m 18 August 2025
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
With no less than 70 attractions, the funfair in Hoorn is the party of North Holland! From 9 to 18 August 2025, you can enjoy the most enjoyable event in the region for 10 days. In addition to the funfair, more activities are also organised:
Saturday 9 August: opening
Opening at the ‘t Park theatre. Spectacular as always. We’ll keep it a secret for now.
From 12:30 there will be great music and various performances.
Sunday August 10: Fair Mass
The fair mass with Bernhard van Welzenes – pastor of inland shipping, circus and fair is at 11:00. As usual on the dodgem at the Gedempte Turfhaven. After the mass there is a gathering at the Dal.
Monday August 11: senior citizens afternoon and Pink Monday
On the senior citizens’ afternoon, residents of nursing homes and care homes can eat pancakes with their volunteers and take a nice walk around the fair. Hoorn singer EJ Fillee will perform at the Dal. The party starts at 13:00.
In the evening, ‘Pink Monday’ will take place at Dubbele Buurt. The annual Pride Walk starts at 19:30 from the Noorderplantsoen, gathering from 19:00. The Walk ends at Dubbele Buurt.
Tuesday 12 August: ‘low-stimulus funfair ‘
Flashing lights, loud music and fast movements are all stimuli and obstacles that make it impossible for some people to go to the fair. That is why a ‘low-stimulus fair’ will be organised for the seventh time on Tuesday 13 August between 12:00 and 16:00. This way, people with autism, epilepsy, ADHD, a mild intellectual disability or high sensitivity can also enjoy the fair. Fairground operators ensure as much as possible that the lights flash as little as possible, the attractions do not run at full speed and the volumes are less loud.
Wednesday August 13: Family Day and Women’s Evening
Family day with from 12:00: free face painting at multiple locations. Various TV/comic characters conquer the city center together.
For children’s attractions, admission is €1.50 between 12:00 and 19:00 and for most big entertainment €2.50.
In the evening it is especially for women: women’s evening!
Friday August 15: Fireworks Evening
We’re going to pop again with the most beautiful fair fireworks in the Netherlands! Friday evening from 22:00 at the Westerdijk.
Monday August 18: Rag Day
On this day, 250 market stalls and many vendors will be present on the Grote Noord, the Kleine Noord, the Noorderveemarkt, part of the Veemarkt. At 06:00 the bargain hunting starts in the shops and at the market stalls. At 15:00 the Lappendagmarkt closes. In the morning the pubs open. No alcohol is served from 18:00 to 21:00.