This Christmas holiday, a magical adventure awaits children and young people aged 6 to 18: the Musical Winter School of Theater Academie Enkhuizen. After the success of ten previous summer editions, this special winter experience is now returning for a third time. From 27 to 30 December, participants will be immersed in a world of song, dance and theatre fun in a warm Christmas atmosphere. The four-day course ends on 30 December with a sparkling Christmas performance in the historic building ‘De Drom’, which family and friends do not want to miss.
A Christmas adventure full of creativity, confidence and lasting memories
The Musical Winter School is all about fun, creativity and being together. The participants are given a unique, tailor-made role in a specially written Christmas story and work with experienced teachers who have earned their spurs on large stages. In between rehearsals, there is plenty of time to laugh, make new friends and experience the Christmas spirit. This adventure not only offers the chance to shine, but also gives a valuable boost to their self-confidence and stimulates their creativity. Together, the participants build an unforgettable final performance, in which they shine in a role that suits them perfectly. With festive costumes, Christmas carols, surprising scenes, dance numbers and funny elves, the magic of Christmas comes to life on stage. In this way, they not only create theatre, but also lasting memories.
Practical information and early booking discount
Children who register before November 10th will benefit from a special early bird discount and pay only €136.50 (normally €145 ). This price includes all lessons from professional singing, dancing and theatre teachers, a tailor-made script, snacks, a Christmas lunch on the last day, the certificate of participation and of course a starring role in the final performance.
Previous editions were quickly filled, so don’t miss this opportunity and register quickly!
For more information and to register: send an email.